Cosmetic dentistry

Enhance the aesthetic appeal of your teeth and smile with cosmetic dentistry. Our unique treatments allow you to format your teeth and complete a digital wax up of what the end-result will look like, allowing you to essentially try before you buy, and tweak to achieve optimal results.

Cosmetic dentistry not only rectifies oral irregularities but also delivers a profound impact on our clients overall confidence as a result. From porcelain veneers that create flawless smiles to laser teeth whitening techniques, this field of dentistry promises a fusion of science and artistry to unveil the true beauty behind your unique smile.
What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses dental procedures that enhance the aesthetic appeal of your teeth and smile. In collaboration with the renowned smile experts at PMD Dental in Port Melbourne, our bespoke cosmetic dentistry services include top-tier dental grade teeth whitening, along with custom-crafted cosmetic veneers and crowns.

How does dental grade teeth whitening work?
With age, our teeth naturally tend to discolour due to various factors. Dental grade teeth whitening counteracts this process through the use of state-of-the-art equipment and sophisticated cosmetic treatments. This method effectively removes deep stains and discoloration, significantly whitening your teeth by several shades.
How long does teeth whitening last?
The longevity of dental grade teeth whitening results varies, typically lasting from one to three years based on individual circumstances. Should you notice your smile beginning to lose its brightness, we invite you to arrange a follow-up appointment with us.
Do I need veneers and crowns?
Cosmetic veneers and crowns are perfect for anyone with concerns about the appearance of their teeth, whether they’re crooked, have large spaces, are damaged or irregularly shaped.

We also provide comprehensive oral care and rehabilitation for edentulous and terminal dental patients, this includes for treatments like total arch replacement.
What’s the difference between cosmetic veneers and dental crowns?
Dental crowns encompass the entire tooth enamel, enhancing the appearance of chipped or misshapen teeth. They are crafted by taking a mould of your existing tooth and then shaping a crown to be securely attached on top with a dental adhesive.

Veneers, on the other hand, cover only the front of your tooth. These are thinner and better suited to covering teeth for cosmetic reasons such as discoloration or chips. They both protect the wearer’s teeth and enhance their smile.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Treatment Pricing
Price on consultation

For specific pricing please request a consultation

Real people, real results
Real people, real results

Some of the incredible transformations our clients have experienced.

Treatment: RF Skin needling
After 3 sessions

Real people, real results
Real people, real results

Some of the incredible transformations our clients have experienced.

Treatment: RF Skin needling
After 3 sessions

Outstanding results

We use proven machines at the forefront of cosmetic technology to ensure outcomes that bring out your natural beauty.
Our Industry-Leading Technology

Invested in industry-leading technology that’s backed by science, we ensure to achieve results that consistently surpass your expectations. Get ready to feel and look like the best version of yourself.

The impact we've made

"I've been struggling with stubborn fat in my midsection for years, but after just one fat reduction treatment at Àesthetica, I'm already seeing a noticeable difference. Thank you!"


"I had been feeling self-conscious about loose skin on my arms and was hesitant to wear short-sleeved shirts. But after getting RF skin tightening at Àesthetica, I feel so much more confident and love showing off my arms!"


"The team at Àesthetica made me feel so comfortable and confident in my decision. I'm thrilled with my results and highly recommend them!”


What happens next?

Book a consultation

Chat with our friendly therapists who will listen and create a personalised plan to help you achieve your goals. Book now.

Personalised treatment plan

Your therapist will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that helps you achieve your desired results.

Treatments commence

Once we’ve created your treatment plan we’ll begin your treatments to ensure that you see the best results possible.

Monitor and track your results

On the day of treatment measurements and photos will be taken to monitor your results.

Progress check-in calls

Post-treatment, you will receive regular check-in phone calls and emails to see how you're tracking.

Follow-up appointments

Follow up appointments are booked in to monitor progress of results through photos and measurements.

Your questions, answered

Our team of expert therapists are here to support you and address any inquiries you may have at every step of the way.

Take the Next Step
Unveil your best self

If you still have questions or want to learn more about our treatments, please don’t hesitate to Email or Call (03) 7071 7111

Discover our body packages and plans

Premium packages and plans, tailored to your specific concerns and using the latest skincare innovations to deliver stunning, long-lasting results.

Need a gift that will truly be appreciated?

Look no further than an Áesthetica gift card. With a variety of treatments to choose from, they're sure to find something they'll love.

Accredited Excellence
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Experience personalised care like never before

At the core of our ethos is the commitment to offer honest and practical treatments that enhance our clients' beauty, instilling a long-lasting sense of confidence through a holistic approach.